Appendix 4


Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Terms of Reference

[Proposed deletions are struck through and proposed additions are shown in bold red text]


To exercise the specific functions given to local authorities to scrutinise the health services within their locality as follows:


1) To scrutinise matters relating to the provision of health care and to promote the equality of opportunities in health care for the inhabitants of East Sussex.


2) To make reports and recommendations to local NHS bodies, as defined, patients’ representatives, the County Council and to other relevant bodies on matters affecting the provision of health care for the inhabitants of East Sussex.


3) To respond to consultation by any local NHS body or Foundation Trust with reference to any proposal for substantial development of the health service in the county, and/or affecting the inhabitants of East Sussex or for a substantial variation in the provision of such service excluding those exempt from consultation as specified in regulations. pilot schemes (within the meaning of Section 4 of the National Health Service (Primary Care) Act 1997 and urgent proposals as defined in Regulation 4(3) of the Local Authority (Overview and Scrutiny Committees Health and Scrutiny Functions) Regulations 2002) and to make comments by the due date specified by the local NHS body referring the matter.


4) To report to the local NHS body or to the Secretary of State in writing in any case where the Committee is not satisfied that:

a) consultation on any proposal has been adequate in relation to content or time allowed or;

b) that the reasons given by the local NHS body for failing to consult because of urgency are not adequate.


5) To make representations to the Secretary of State in writing on any such proposals as are referred to above whether in support or against such proposals having considered whether or not such proposals would be in the interests of the provision of health care for the inhabitants of East Sussex.


4) To consider and respond to consultations or requests for information by the Secretary of State (or on their behalf) in relation to NHS proposals for service change affecting the inhabitants of East Sussex which have been called in by the Secretary of State, or where a request has been made to call in such a proposal.


5) To make a request to the Secretary of State that a proposal for service change affecting the inhabitants of East Sussex be called in where the committee is satisfied that the criteria for requesting a call-in (as set out in statutory guidance) are met.


6) To evaluate and review the effectiveness of the implementation or other outcome of its recommendations in improving the health services for the inhabitants of East Sussex.


7) To undertake all the statutory functions of the scrutiny committee in accordance with relevant current legislation and national guidance Section 7 and regulations under that section, of the Health and Social Care Act 2001, relating to reviewing and scrutinising health service matters.


8) To encourage the County Council, District and Borough Councils to take into account the implications of their policies and activities on health and the promotion of equality in the provision of health care.


9) To contribute to the development of policy to improve the provision of health care for the inhabitants of East Sussex.


10) To respond to or make proposals for joint scrutiny of health provision in adjoining areas which may impact on the provision of health care for the inhabitants of East Sussex, including appointing members of the committee to relevant Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees and agreeing the Terms of Reference for such committees.


11) In all of the above, to seek, and take account of, views of the inhabitants of East Sussex and to liaise with local Healthwatch in this respect.